The erection systems AES and MES are fit for men suffering from erectile disfunction due to one of the diseases below.
Diabetic patients have three times the risk of developing erectile dysfunction almost half of all diabetic patients is diagnosed with erectile disorders within ten years.
- Hypertension
- Diabetes type 1 and 2
- Obesity
- Patients with a metabolic syndrome
Indications as a result of invasive treatments:
- Radical prostatectomy
- Cystectomy
- Radiotherapy
- Anti-Androgen therapy
The use of an Vacuum Erection System is the best treatment option for men suffering from these conditions. This is also the case for 30% of the patients with Erectile Disfunction where treatment with erection pills, like Viagra, is insufficient.
Product benefits
- Recovery of erectile functions
- Limited loss of Penile length
- Non invasive
- Non medicinal
- No significant side effects
- Safe and reliable
- Easy to use
- Effective
- Can be used as often as desired
- Significant increase of the healing process (Circulation)
Increased penile revalidation
Recent studies show that timely use of a vacuum system after a radical prostatectomy helps to reduce the recovery time of the erectile functions and contributes to the recovery of a normal sex life.
96% of the men using AES or MES erection system are satisfied or extremely satisfied with the obtained erection.

Active / Manual Erection System
Active Erection system incl. BTW: € 249,-
Manual Erection system incl. BTW: € 235,-